Calcium Requirements
All women should receive 1000 mg. of calcium each day; women over 50 and younger than 18 should receive as much as 1300 mg. each day. Food sources of calcium are the best, but mineral supplements are available.
Labeling of food products is confusing because the calcium content is listed as a percent (%) of “Daily Value” instead of “mg”. There is an easy solution. Add a “0” to the “%” and you will calculate the “mg.” For example, an 8-ounce glass of milk has 30% of the Daily Value and 300 mg.; a cup of yogurt may have 25% of the Daily Value and 250 mg.
If you're not getting enough calcium in your diet, then you should take a calcium supplement. These supplements will list the calcium content in “mg”. There are no known risks from getting too much calcium.
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